Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Singing in the cafeteria, Extravagant drama plays,  My very own Troy Bolton, That's how I thought high school would be. But hey! This is not High School Musical & life isn't like the movies.  


This is my high school reality.....

Senior Year, the last 10 months of being in high school was a roller coaster ride of emotions. 10 months filled with joy, laughter, ups, downs and even dramas about exam results. As months passed we began the countdown to our Graduation Day.  

I felt the pressure as we prepare for our next chapter, College Life.everyone was busy rushing their application forms & choosing what school they would apply to. I felt pressured by how everything is going way too fast. I wasn't prepared. I still haven't decided what course I would like take & what school I would like to go to. I was so pressured that I even cried myself to sleep at night. Thinking to myself "How would I be after High School?" I can't even commute by myself. I can't do even the simple things by myself. How am I going to handle college?

I wasn't ready for the big changes that I am about to face. I had no clue to what things may happen. I was so excited about growing up but in the last few months of my stay in my Alma mater  I thought to myself Four years has gone so fast. I will surely miss everything about high school. all of the pranks, the craziness, and most of all my friends whom I've been for with six years. It's hard to think that a lot is going to change after our graduation day. 

I got depressed knowing that we are going separate ways from our friends, most of us won't be able to interact with each other the way we used to during high school days. 

A month of preparation before the special day, I cherished every moment that I have left before graduating. my friends and I, talked about our best memories in high school. everything was do dramatic, even our teachers' are giving us speeches of how much they'll miss us even though our batch was known for being  and tips for college. As days go by, everyone's emotions are all mixed up. I felt happy because I'm about to start college and at the same time sad because I won't be able to be in the same school with my friends. 

"Ngunit ngayon kay bilis maglaho ng kahapon
Sana'y huwag kalimutan ang ating mga pinagsamahan" - Eraserheads, Minsan

Graduation Day!!!! This is it, we've made it, we survived the teenage dramas, heartbreaks, we survived high school.I will never forget how my graduation day felt like. everyone was in tears while saying each others goodbye, hugging each other as if they're never going see each other again, joy, love, forgiveness  Batchmates good-luck to each and everyone of us to our new journey "The College Life"

Goodbye Senior Year  



1 comment:

  1. I had the same thoughts too, More power to you Ms. Allanah :D
